Eagle History
The 1st Fighter Squadron “Miss Fury” was stationed at Tyndall AFB, Florida and was one of the three Fighter Squadrons that formed up the 325th Fighter Wing. The The 1st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron started receiving the first F-15 in January 1984.
On Sept. 17, 1991, the operations and maintenance functions of the 1st TFTS joined to form a combined squadron. It was renamed the 1st Fighter Squadron. The squadron continues to train F-15 pilots for the combat air forces and has received several honors, such as earning the Air Force Maintenance Effectiveness Award for 1998, Nineteenth Air Force Top Operations Squadron of the Year for 1998, and 325th Fighter Wing Fighter Squadron of the Year for 1995, 1997 and 1998.

Other notable accomplishments include receiving the U. S. Air Force Air Flight Safety of the Year award for 2002, as well as recognition for best intelligence mission report. Also, members received by-name recognition during the 2003 Headquarters Air Education and Training Command Operational Readiness Inspection.
The 1st Fighter Squadron was deactivated on Dec. 15, 2006.
(I am looking for more information of the 1 FS, like squadron rituals, history, personal stories related to the 1 FS etc) Any information that you would like to donate to this website can be sent to janpeter@skytrailer.nl
From talons to Miss Fury’s skull – 1st FS accomplishes
by Staff Sgt. Stacey Haga 325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs 22 December 2006 — With the rise of new fighter aircraft and decrease in the number of F-15 Eagles flown in the active Air Force, the 1st Fighter Squadron and its maintaining force, the 1st Aircraft Maintenance Unit, were inactivated 11:01 a.m. Dec. 15 after 22 years of Eagle pilot training.
The 1st FS has been inactivated and reactivated on two other occasions to meet the changing needs of the Air Force. The most recent reactivation took place in 1984 when the squadron opened as the 1st Tactical Fighter Training Squadron and has served the same mission under its current title since 1991. During those years, an estimated 670 pilots have been trained and countless others affected by the legacy the two units leave behind. “I have mixed emotions about our closing,” said Lt. Col. Tom Menker, 1st FS commander. “On a personal note, I am saddened. Being the 1st FS commander has been a great opportunity. It has been rewarding and challenging at the same time, but I recognize the Air Force’s need to evolve.” “Thousands of members have worked in the 1st AMU over the years. I think most would remember it as one of their best assignments,” said Capt. Robert Anson, 1st AMU officer in charge.
As the squadron’s doors close, most Airmen from both units will remain part of Team Tyndall. Members of the 1st FS will be transferring to the 2nd FS and 95th FS, 325th Operations Support Squadron and Operations Group staff, while members of the 1st AMU will go to the 2nd, 43rd and 95th AMUs with a small number going to 325th MXS and other assignments. Due to the local transition, the “red” team camaraderie will remain and intergrate into the other squadrons. “We have had a great working relationship with the 1st AMU … which leads to better student training and students graduating early, ” said Colonel Menker. “We recognized that give and take on both ends works well.” The units made an impact on national and joint multi-national security measures by participating in large force employments such as exercise “Trident Fury” in Victoria, Canada earlier this year, where their mission was preparing security measures for the 2010 Olympics. The units’ impact on the Air Force mission has given many of its members fond memories and sense of pride. “It’s hard to put into words how rewarding being a commander of a fighter squadron is,” said Colonel Menker. “There are so many moving parts and people that make it come together at the end of the day. It’s amazing to see it all come together and produce a qualified pilot five and a half months after he arrives.” “It’s rare that so many personalities and capabilities come together to form such a great team,” said Captain Anson. “I have thoroughly enjoyed being on the ‘red’ team. Although it’s sad we’re closing, we’ll take that pride with us
Squadron photos

81-0027 crashed during a training sortie on the 21st of May 2004, the pilot Lt Col Patrick Marshall got out oke with minor injuries.