Eagle History
The 555th Tactical Fighter Training Squadron “Triple Nickel” was stationed at Luke AFB, Arizona. The 555th TFTS was the first operational F-15 squadron and received the first Eagle TF-15A (73-0108) christened TAC I. After being christened by President Gerald Ford on November 14th, 1974. The Triple Nickel received its first F-15D in October 1982. During November of 1991 the 555 FS phased down the air-to-air training as the aircraft and training role started to transition to the 325 Fighter Wing at Tyndall AFB. The last F-15 left on December 20th 1991.
While still assigned to the 58th FW the 555 FS started to received the first F-15E’s in 1991 and in November 1991 took over the F-15E Strike Eagles and training role from the 550th Fighter Squadron. On March 25th, 1994 the 555th FS was deactivated when all the F-15E where transferred to Seymour-Johnson AFB. the 555 FS was reactivated as a F-16 squadron at Aviano AB, Italy.

(I am looking for more information of the 555 TFTS, like squadron competitions, history, personal stories related to the 555 TFTS etc)
Squadron photos