Eagle Country

131 Fighter Squadron, Lt.Col Matthew ‘Beast’ Tanis ‘fini flight’

A 104th Fighter Wing F-15 Eagle flies over the flightline alongside Lt.Col Matthew ‘Beast’ Tanis for his ‘fini flight’ on March 21, 2025, at Barnes Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts. ‘Fini flights’ or final flights are ceremonial flights performed after one’s career or assignment. (U.S. Air National Guard Photo by Melanie J. Casineau)
A 104th Fighter Wing F-15 Eagle flies over the flightline alongside Lt. Col Matthew ‘Beast’ Tanis for his ‘fini flight’ on March 21, 2025, at Barnes Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts. ‘Fini flights’ or final flights are ceremonial flights performed after one’s career or assignment. (U.S. Air National Guard Photo by Melanie J. Casineau)
A 104th Fighter Wing F-15 Eagle flies over the flightline alongside Lt. Col Matthew ‘Beast’ Tanis for his ‘fini flight’ on March 21, 2025, at Barnes Air National Guard Base, Massachusetts. ‘Fini flights’ or final flights are ceremonial flights performed after one’s career or assignment. (U.S. Air National Guard Photo by Melanie J. Casineau)
Eagle Country

131st Fighter Squadron Appoints Lt. Col. Stephen ‘Steagle’ Mindek as Commander

From left, U.S. Air National Guard Lt. Col. Matthew ‘Beast’ Tanis, former commander of the 131st Fighter squadron, Colonel Michael ‘Shot’ Glass, 104th Operations Group Commander, and Lt. Col. Stephen ‘Steagle’ Mindek, newly appointed commander of the 131st Fighter Squadron, all stand after the conclusion of the squadron change of command ceremony at Barnes Air National Guard Base, Westfield, Mass., March 21, 2025. The 131st fighter Squadron, which operates the F-15 Eagle in support of the 104th Fighter Wing’s airspace defense mission, appointed Lt. Col. Stephen ‘Steagle’ Mindek as squadron commander as an excellent successor to the retiring Lt. Col. Matthew ‘Beast’ Tannis. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Airman 1st Class Elijah Harris)
Eagle Country

Boeing F-15EX production of Lot 2

EX9’s first flight test. Boeing has started F-15EX production of Lot 2 for the USAF, next stop is the paint shop and off to Portland (I guess) (video made by the Boeing company)

Eagle Country

McDonnell Douglas advertisement

I love those 70’s and 80’s era F-15 related magazine advertisements. I added a couple to the page here are a few of the ‘new’ ones. More can be found at

Eagle Country

Merry Christmas

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy 2025.

Thank you all for visiting the F-15 Eagle Country website. The site has grown a lot in 2024 thanks to your comments and photos. Trying to preserve the rich Eagle history and heritage! Keep on visiting

Sorry to use this one again, but this photo never get’s old 🙂