Eagle Country

F-15 71-0281

Celebrating 50 years of the Mighty Mighty this month. Today a closer look to the second prototype built. McDonnell Douglas F-15A-1-MC –. Better know as 71-0281, made its first flight onSeptember 26th 1972 and was the F100 engine test aircraft. Like the other prototypes, 71-0281 was used by the F-15 Joint Test Force at Edwards AFB, The aircraft was officially transferred to NASA on 17 December 1975. It retained its USAF tail number throughout its time with NASA. Not much glory for this Eagle but a silent work horse within the Eagle flight test program providing valuable flight data.

71-0281 was also used to test thermal protection tiles for the Space Shuttle. 0281 was returned to the USAF in 1983 shortly after which she was retired and put on display at Langley AFB unit present day.

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Eagle Country

F-15A 71-0282

Celebrating 50 years of the Mighty Mighty this month. Today a closer look on the third prototype built. McDonnell Douglas F-15A 71-0282 made its first flight on 4 November 1972 and was the test aircraft for the Eagle’s APG-63 radar and avionics. 0282 was also used for air speed trials. Used by the combined McDD/USAF F-15 Joint Test Force at Edwards AFB between July 1973 and November 1977 (coded ‘3’ in July 1973). 71-0282 was also used by the AFFSL (Air Force Flight Systems Laboratory) for a short time between August and December 1977. The AFFSL adorned the aircraft with a sharkmouth

on 16 December 1977. The aircraft departed storage again on 14 August 1979 and was transferred to the 2955th CLSS at Robins AFB. It was noted in a WFU condition (possibly used for some kind of instructional purpose) at Robins AFB (GA) in January 1986, and was reportedly preserved at Robins at a later date, but it has not been seen since 1986.

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Eagle Country

F-15A 71-0283

Celebrating 50 years of the Mighty Mighty this month. Today a closer look to the fourth prototype built. F-15A 71-0283 made its first flight on 13 January 1973, and was used as the structural test aircraft. This was the first F-15 with the slightly smaller wingtips which had been redesigned to counter a severe buffet problem encountered during the test program. The aircraft was used by the combined McDonnell Douglas /USAF F-15 Joint Test Force at Edwards AFB from May 1973 (coded ‘4’). By 1978, 71-0283 had become a McDonnell Douglas test aircraft, and on 12 November 1979 it was noted in the red and white color

Note the original smaller-sized air brake on the spine. 71-0283 was finally retired in 1998. Undergoing restoration at Wright-Patterson AFB (OH) in July 1999, and ended up preserved at the Defense Supply Center, Richmond (VA) by October 2000.

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