This website contains the story behind the world’s best ” interceptor” and “strike” fighter. There are numerous great site’s about the F-15 so why another site?
Well most site are great photo gallery’s and contain the history and development of the F-15. What they miss is the story behind the F-15. The training, exercises and operations, deployments, Squadron anecdotes, personal stories. The history of the squadrons that operate or haven flown with the F-15. News about current exercises and deployments.
Each squadron history page is different from the other. Such as the 461st TFTS which contains a whole lot of extra information about the development of the F-15E training program. Or the 22nd TFS Stingers with a lot of squadron anecdotes and fighter pilot pranks. Take a look for yourself, and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for visiting skytrailer.nl
Eagle Country is a site that is far from complete any contributions, suggestions are welcome. If you would like to share your squadron stories, photos, info etc please contact the webmaster contact@skytrailer.nl
To all Eagle Drivers, Strike Drivers, Strike Eagle WSO’s and Eagle Keepers. Eagle Country Facebook group is a great group to share squadron photos, anecdotes, bar stories etc from you time serving in one of the Eagle squadrons. Keeping the rich Eagle heritage alive. Feel free to join and maybe come across some squadron mates with who you have lost contact. Feel free to post any photos, stories etc. Join and click on this link Eagle Country
Click on each headline for the full story and large images
By 1st Lt. Savanah Bray,
The F-15EX – both 001 and 002 – have taken to the Alaska skies for exercise Northern Edge 21, May 3-14.
The purpose of the F-15EX’s participation in Northern Edge is to allow for immediate deep-end testing in a complex jamming environment to gather essential test data for what works and what needs improvement. This is critical to expose the F-15EX to this environment now to make changes early on and allow for an aggressive test and fielding timeline.
By Tech. Sgt. Carlin Leslie
The lead wing and experiment objectives are in place for a deployment like no other, taking place in the panhandle of Florida. Air Combat Command’s AGILE FLAG 21-2 experiment will test the 4th Fighter Wing’s (Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina) ability to deploy into theater as a lead Air Expeditionary Wing April 26 – May 7, 2021.
The unit will employ mission generation, command and control, and base operating support-integrator elements from its main operating base at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, while supporting two contingency locations and a forward operating base.
Video by Senior Airman John Ennis/48 FW PA
F-15C Eagles and F-15E Strike Eagles taking off from RAF Lakenheath for exercise Agile Liberty. This exercise demonstrates and develops the USAF’s ability to provide rapid deployment of combat air power anytime and anywhere in conjunction with our NATO allies.